The Rule of St Benedict is a guide to direct our pathway to God. We seek God in Community, under the guidance of the Rule and an Abbot or Abbess.



The monastery is the place where monks and nuns are called to live the Christian Gospel. This is where we live out our particular discipleship, our way of following Christ. Imitating Christ, we live a life modelled on his life, death and resurrection. Studying and meditating on the Gospel, we get to know Christ, we grow in our love of Him and our service of others. Courage, faith and service are hallmarks of Gospel living. We live a life of sacrifice – selfishness and self- centredness have no place in community.

“Living out the gospel in community with others the Lord has chosen for me!”

Rule of St.Benedict


Written by St Benedict in the 6th Century for his monks the Rule has stood the test of time because of its straightforward common sense and balance. It is a guide for those wishing to live by the values and teaching of the Gospel. A school of the Lord’s service, Benedict wants us to live harmoniously with each other, no one seeking what is best for themselves, but rather the best for all. Always respecting the unique character of each person, it challenges us to live as the monks and nuns we are called to be, to live the life of the Gospel here, in one place, through our vow of stability. This way of life is not for everyone but for those who say ‘yes’ it is a gradual surrender to the mercy and grace that comes from God.

Prefre Nothing to Christ